




Maeda is made up of highly trained independent artists. Each artist in our collective manages their own schedule & appointments to provide them with the sufficient time needed to provide you with the highest quality services.

If you are unsure of what to book or have any questions or concerns, please fill out the form below. You will receive a response within 24 hours. If you have not heard from us after that time frame, please check your spam folder. Thank you for choosing us!


private appointments

Maeda offers private hair appointments outside of our normal business hours to accommodate our clients with sensory issues, as well as our clients with hair coverings for religious beliefs, and any other circumstance that may require a little more privacy.

Please email us here to request a Private appointment.

sensory friendly & quiet appointments

Maeda also offers sensory friendly and quiet services with our team member Kat. While Maeda takes into consideration the specific needs of each client during their appointment, we do understand more steps and communication is sometimes required. If you or a loved one is looking for a more specialized appointment catered to your needs and space preference we are happy to work together. 

Quiet appointments are available to book with Kat for anyone who experiences anxiety when it comes to new social interaction.  Or, Maybe you are just looking for a relaxing time to yourself,  a moment to step away from real life. These appointments are just like a regular appointment, but talking will not be expected and kept to a minimum.

Sensory Friendly Appointments with Kat will be conducted in the same manner as a quiet appointment, but with full consideration of the needs of the client. You can freely reach out to Kat to express to her your concerns and needs and together you can create a plan for your appointment. Space, touch, smell, and verbiage will all be taken into consideration when working with Kat. 

These appointments will take place at the back of the salon which is separated by a glass door to the main front of our salon. Please note: other workers and appointments do have free access to the back of the salon for restrooms and color mixing. You can request a private appointment on days outside of our normal business hours.

Please email us here to schedule an appointment.